Business Taxes

Dentist with Real Estate Case Study

Case Study

Income before planning: $951,596

Income Tax before planning: $317,018

Income Tax after planning: $9,766

Savings: $307,252

Strategy Used: Multiple, including real estate, Cost Seg, time of write offs

A dentist that owned two successful offices came to us with a huge estimated tax bill. The client owned the real estate upon which both offices were located. We were able to engage our partners and perform a Cost Seg study and bonus depreciate a portion of the buildings. Additionally, we were able to time the purchase of some of the client’s new equipment to have additional savings for 2021 and 2022 tax year.

Few Quick Tips to discuss with your Business Tax Consultant

  1. Should I purchase the real estate with my business, if so what are the tax benefits?
  2. Does Cost Seg benefit my specific situation?
  3. How can I time the purchase of equipment I need to best benefit me over the next two years vs just this year?

Businesses that involve Real Estate and or equipment have lots of opportunities for tax planning. Be sure to discuss with your business tax consultant all of the options available to you. Feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions or feel you may be overpaying in taxes.

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